
EFT Sydney Tapping Practitioner

EFT is not intended to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease or disorder, physical or mental. Neither EFT nor the content on this website is intended as a substitute for regular medical or psychiatric or psychological care. And by accepting theses terms and conditions, you agree that you do not construe it as such.

Please consult your current health care providers regarding your use of EFT. Let them know you are using EFT as an evidence based stress management tool. Do not make any changes to your medications or other treatments without consulting your current health care professionals.

Viewing the information on this website does not constitute a professional relationship with Louise Sage By viewing this website, you accept complete responsibility for your own health and wellbeing, releasing the owner and any individual contribute testimonials from any liability. There is no guarantee that you will have the same results as the people who have provided testimonials on this website as every person is different.

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is still considered experimental in nature although it is gaining in scientific support it is not yet widely accepted as a formally validated scientific technique. All workshops and trainings are intended to promote awareness of the benefits of learning and applying EFT – however, the general public must take full responsibility for their use of it. Any material or links on this website are for general knowledge only and is not a substitute for traditional medical attention, counselling, therapy or advice from a qualified health care professional.

Neither EFT nor the information here is intended to be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or disorder. Entering this website does not constitute a relationship or advice. If you experience any unusual symptoms practicing the technique you should seek the advice of a health professional. Although the results of research indicated that many people benefiting from the use of EFT the responses to the technique are individual. If you have any concern regarding your health or mental state, it is recommended that you seek out advice or treatment from a qualified, licensed health care professional. Before making any dietary changes or discontinuing, reducing or increasing prescription medications it is recommended that you consult with a doctor, pharmacist or other qualified medical or health professional first.

Louise is not a licensed physician or mental healthcare provider. EFT is not a substitute for the diagnosis or treatment of medical or mental health conditions by a licensed health care professional. If you have a disorder or medical condition that has been diagnosed by a licensed medical or mental health care professional or a condition that should be evaluated by a licensed health care professional, my services should only be used in conjunction with you obtaining/continuing that care. Louise does not diagnose or treat medical or mental health disorders nor is she trained to do so. EFT attempts to optimise the body’s overall health and vitality, but is not to be used instead of appropriate care from a professional.