As a new mother with 2 young children I found myself increasingly anxious and stressed. The responsibilities and the fast pace of life, work, running a household and being a mother left me feeling exhausted. The more I threw myself into my roles and tried to make everything perfect, being available for everyone the less I was able to cope. This increasingly reduced my feelings of safety and my comfort zones until I became unable to cope in many situations.
My health began to suffer, I was unwell and found myself visiting the Doctors frequently. I needed to be constantly stimulated and to be always busy and surrounded by people, I didn’t feel safe being alone with my own thoughts and worries. At this time, I was suffering a long bout of sinus infections and was so ill that I could not keep the antibiotics down. The GP prescribed me an anti-nausea medication. This set off a severe chain of events that saw me having a very rare reaction to the medication. This medication caused me to have a massive anxiety attack that lasted for over 24 hours and progressed into several panic attacks, at the time it was the worst night of my life.
My life then spiralled into the vicious cycle of anxiety and panic attacks and continued to intensify over the next few months. Every day my life became smaller and smaller as I tried desperately to avoid any situation that I thought might cause a panic attack. I became anxious about being anxious and the panic attacks seemed to be so random and not really caused by anything in particular.
After years of traditional therapy and a CBT course I was just barely managing with anxiety always just below the surface and ready to take me hostage at any moment. I had a life of rituals and avoidance I became vigilant at trying to keep the anxiety at bay.
Unhappy with this limited style of living I began to search for something to really help me heal from my diagnosed anxiety and panic disorder. Enter EFT Tapping I was introduced to this strange technique a tool to manage stress. I began to research EFT in earnest and learned everything I could about this technique. I also incorporated some yoga and meditation into my life.
I started using EFT on myself for stress relief over 10 years ago. At the time I really didn’t completely realise the profound affect that it was having on my life. It became and invaluable tool that helped me cope ever day. When I tapped regularly my stress reduced and some of my clarity and confidence returned. The big shift for me happened about 6 years ago when I became courageous enough to decide that I needed help and sought a professional EFT practitioner to work with. The results were truly amazing and with the help of a good practitioner I have been able to identify some truly unhelpful core beliefs , patterns, memories and fears. Releasing the emotional connection and reactions to these events and memories had a profound affect on every aspect of my life and my wellbeing. I finally realised that my happiness was important and my self confidence grew and my zest for life and adventure came back. Fear was such a dominating driver for me and one that I was unable to release without the help of a great EFT Practitioner.
As I took amazing strides in all areas of my life, I began the most exciting journey of all. EFT became my passion and learning this great technique became my focus so that I could share this amazing gift. I no longer hide, I am comfortable with myself all thanks to the powerful effect of tapping. Not living as your true authentic self is the biggest stress of all!
Tapping is a great self-help tool and working with a qualified practitioner is the only way to get to the core issues and make lasting change.